Publications related to Polarized Neutrons


F. Li, S.R. Parnell, H.Y. Bai, W.C. Yang, W.A. Hamilton, B.B. Maranville, R.Ashkar, D. V. Baxter, J.T. Cremer and R.Pynn; Spin echo modulated small-angle neutron scattering using superconducting magnetic Wollaston prisms; J Appl Crystallogr 49, 55(2016)

T. Wang, S.R. Parnell, W.A. Hamilton, F.Li, A.L. Washington, D.V. Baxter and R. Pynn; Compact spherical neutron polarimeter using high-Tc YBCO films; Rev Sci Instrum 87, 033901 (2016)


S.R. Parnell, A.L. Washington, K.Li, H. Yan, P.Stonaha, F.Li, T. Wang, A.Walsh, W.C. Chen, A.J. Parnell, J.P.A.Fairclough, D.V. Baxter and R. Pynn; Spin echo small angle neutron scattering using a continuously pumped He-3 neutron polarisation analyser; Rev Sci Instrum 86(2) (2015)

M. Zhernenkov, R. Ashkar, H.Feng, O.O. Akintewe, N.D. Gallant, R. Toomey, J.F. Ankner and R. Pynn; Thermoresponsive PNIPAM Coatings on Nanostructured Gratings for Cell Alignment and Release; Acs Appl Mater Inter 7 (22), 11857(2015)


X. Tong, J. L. Robertson and R. Pynn; Non-uniform transmission of supermirror devices for neutron polarization; Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 768,77 (2014)

R. Ashkar, R. Pynn, R. Dalgliesh, N.V. Lavrik, I.I. Kravchenko; A new approach for probing matter in periodic nanoconfinements using neutron scattering; J Appl Crystallogr 47,1367(2014)

V. R Shah, A. L. Washington, P. Stonaha, R. Ashkar, H. Kaiser, T. Krist and Roger Pynn; Optimization of a solid state polarizing bender for cold neutrons; Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 768, 157(2014)

F. Li, S.R. Parnell, W.A. Hamlilton, B.B. Maranville, T. wang, R. Semerad, D.V. Baxter, J.T. Cremer and R.Pynn; Superconducting magnetic Wollaston prism for neutron spin encoding; Rev Sci Instrum 85(5) (2014)

F. Li and R. Pynn; A novel neutron spin echo technique for measuring phonon linewidths using magnetic Wollaston prisms; J Appl Crystallogr 47, 1849(2014)

T. Wang, F. Li, S.R. Parnell, W.A. Halmilton, H. Kaiser, A.L. Washington, D.V. Baxter and R. Pynn; Neutron spin manipulation devices using YBCO films; International Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors (Nop&D 2013) 528 (2014)

A.L. Washington, X. Li, A.B. Schodield, K. Hong, M.R> Fitzsimmons, R. Dalgliesh and R. Pynn; Inter-particle correlations in a hard-sphere colloidal suspension with polymer additives investigated by Spin Echo Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS); Soft Matter 10(17), 3016(2014)


S. R. Parnell, H. Kaiser, A. L. Washington, F. Li, T. Wang, D. Baxter and R. Pynn; Design of a cryogen-free cryo-flipper using a high Tc YBCO film; presented at the Int. Conf. on Polarized Neutrons In Condensed Matter Research, Paris, 2012; Physics Procedia (2013)

C. Rehm, J. Barker, W.G. Bouwman and R. Pynn; DCD USANS and Spin-Echo SANS: A comparison of two neutron scattering technqiues applicable for the study of large-scale structures; J. Appl. Cryst. (2013)

S.R. Parnell, A.L.Washington, H. Kaiser, F.Li, T. wang, W.A. Hamilton, D.V. Baxter and R. Pynn; Performance of a polarised neutron cryo-flipper using a high TcYBCO film; nucl intrum Meth A 722, 20(2013)

P. Stonaha, J.he drie, W.T. Lee and R. Pynn; Neutron spin evolution through broadband current sheet spin flippers; Rev Sci Instrum 84 (10)(2013).


Li, X.; Pynn, R.; Washington, A.; Investigation of Nanoscale Structure Using Spin-Echo Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SESANS) Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2012)

Li, Xin; Wu, B; Liu, Y; Pynn, R; Shew, CY; Smith, GS; Herwig, KW; Robertson, JL; Chen, WR; Liu, L; Contrast variation in spin-echo small angle neutron scattering; Journal of Physics-Condensed matter; Vol 24, Issue 6 (2012).


Xin Li, Chwen-Yang Shew, Yun Liu, Roger Pynn, Emily Liu, Kenneth W. Herwig, Gregory S. Smith, J. Lee Robertson, and Wei-Ren Chen; Prospect for characterizing interacting soft colloidal structures using spin-echo small angle neutron scattering; J. Chem. Phys., 134 094504 (2011)

Xin Li, Chwen-Yang Shew, Lilin He, Flora Meilleur, Dan A. Myles, Emily Liu, Yang Zhang, Gregory S Smith, Kenneth W Herwig, Roger Pynn and Wei-Ren Chen; Scattering Functions of Platonic Solids; J. Appl. Cr yst., 44 545 (2011)

Rana Ashkar, V. O. deHaan, A. A. VanWell, R. Dalgliesh, J. Plomp, M. R. Fitzsimmons, W. L. Schaich and Roger Pynn; Comparison of dynamical theory and the phase-object approximation for neutron scattering from periodic structures; J. Appl. Cryst., 44 958 (2011)

Pynn, R.; Ashkar, R.; Stonaha, P.; Washington, AL; Some recent results using spin echo resolved grazing incidence scattering (SERGIS); Physica B: Condensed Matter; Vol 406, Issue 12, 2350-2353 (2011)

Ashkar, Rana; Schaich, W. L.; de Haan, V. O.; et al.; Dynamical theory: Application to spin-echo resolved grazing incidence scattering from periodic structures ; JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS; Vol 110, Issue 10 (2011)


Ashkar, R.; Stonaha, P.; Washington, A.; Shah, VR; Fitzsimmons, MR; Maranville, B.; Majkrzak, CF; Lee, WT; Pynn, R.; Spin-Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Scattering (SERGIS) at Pulsed and CW Neutron Sources Journal of Physics: Conference Series IOP Publishing 251 12066 (2010)

X. Li, C-Y Shew, Y. Liu, R. Pynn, E. Liu, K. W. Herwig, G. S. Smith, J. L. Robinson, and W-R Chen; Theoretical studies on the structure of interacting colloid suspensions by spin echo small angle scattering; J. Chem. Phys., 132 174509 (2010)

R. Ashkar, P. Stonaha, A. L. Washington, V. R Shah, M. R. Fitzsimmons, B. Maranville, C. F. Majkrzak, W. T. Lee, W. L. Schaich, and R. Pynn; Dynamical theory calculations of spin-echo resolved grazing-incidence scattering from a diffraction grating; J. Appl. Cryst., 43 455 (2010)

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2008 - 2009

J. Major, A. Vorobiev, A. Ruehm, R. Maier, M. Major, M. Mezger, M. Nuelle, H. Dosch, G. P. Felcher, P. Falus, T. Keller, R. Pynn; A spin-echo resolved grazing incidence scattering setup for the neutron interrogation of buried nanostructures; Rev. Sci. Instrum., 80 123903 (2009)

I. V. Roshchin, C.-P. Li, H. Suhl, X. Batlle, S. Roy, S. K. Sinha, S. Park, R. Pynn, M. R. Fitzsimmons, J. Mejia-Lopez, D. Altbir, A. H. Romero and I. K. Schuller; Measurement of the vortex core in sub-100 nm Fe dots using polarized neutron scattering; European Phys. Lett., 86 67008 (2009)

Pynn, R.; Fitzsimmons, MR; Lee, WT; Stonaha, P.; Shah, VR; Washington, AL; Kirby, BJ; Majkrzak, CF; Maranville, BB; Birefringent neutron prisms for spin echo scattering angle measurement Physica B: Condensed MatterElsevier 404 17 2582-2584 (2009)

Pynn, R.; Fitzsimmons, MR; Lee, WT; Shah, VR; Washington, AL; Stonaha, P.; Littrell, K.; Spin echo scattering angle measurement at a pulsed neutron source Journal of Applied Crystallography International Union of Crystallography 41 5 897-905 (2008)

Roger Pynn, Wai-Tung Hal Lee, Paul Stonaha, Shah Valloppilly, Adam Washington, Brian Kirby, Brian Maranville, and Charles Majkrzak; The Use of Symmetry to Correct Larmor Phase Aberrations in Spin Echo Scattering Angle Measurement; Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 063901 (2008)

Roger Pynn, M. R. Fitzsimmons, W. T. Lee, V. R. Shah, A. L. Washington, P. Stonaha, and K. Littrell; Spin Echo Scattering Angle Measurement at a Pulsed Neutron Source; J. Appl. Cryst., 41 897 (2008)

Pynn, R.; Lee, WT; Stonaha, P.; Shah, VR; Washington, AL; Kirby, BJ; Majkrzak, CF; Maranville, BB; The use of symmetry to correct Larmor phase aberrations in spin echo scattering angle measurement; American Institute of Physics, Review of Scientific Instruments 79 6 63901 (2008)

2006 - 2007

M.R. Fitzsimmons, B.J. Kirby, N.W. Hengartner, F. Trouw, M.J. Erickson, S.D. Flexner, T. Kondo, C. Adelmann, C.J. Palmstrøm, P.A. Crowell, W. Chen, T.R. Gentile, J.A. Borchers, C.F. Majkrzak, and R. Pynn; Suppression of Nuclear Polarization near the Surface of Optically Pumped GaAs; Phys. Rev. B, 76 245301 (2007)

M. R. Fitzsimmons, S. Park, K. Dumesnil, C. Dufour, R. Pynn, J. A. Borchers, J. J. Rhyne, and Ph Mangin; Vector Magnetization Depth Profile of a Laves Phase Exchange Coupled Superlattice obtained using a Combined Approach of Micromagnetic Simulation and Neutron Reflectometry; Phys. Rev B, 73 134413 (2006)

2002 - 2005

Roger Pynn, Michael R. Fitzsimmons, Helmut Fritzsche, Marita Gierlings, Janos Major and Andrew Jason; Neutron Spin Echo Scattering Angle Measurement (SESAME); Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, 053902 (2005)

Roger Pynn, Michael R. Fitzsimmons, M. Theo Rekveldt, Janos Major, Helmut Fritzsche, Dieter Weller and Earl C. Johns; Optimization of Neutron Scattering Instrumentation using Neutron Spin Echo: Application to the Discrimination of Diffuse Scattering in Neutron Reflectivity Experiments; Rev. Sci. Instrum.; 73, 2948 (2002)

Roger Pynn, Michael R. Fitzsimmons, M. Theo Rekveldt, Janos Major, Helmut Fritzsche, Dieter Weller and Earl C. Johns; Optimization of Neutron Scattering Instrumentation using Neutron Spin Echo: Application to the Discrimination of Diffuse Scattering in Neutron Reflectivity Experiments; Rev. Sci. Instrum.; 73, 2948 (2002)

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Conference Presentations related to Polarized Neutron


Roger Pynn; Probing correlations in colloidal fluids induced by depletion interactions; International Workshop on Complex Physical Phenomena in Materials; Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, (2012)

Roger Pynn; Probing correlation in colloidal fluids; Conference on Complex Matter Physics: Materials, Dynamics and Patterns; Havana, Cuba, March 6-9, (2012)

Roger Pynn; Depletion Interactions in Colloidal Fluids; Workshop on Soft Matter Physics and Complex Flows; Lofoten, Norway, May 22-24, (2012)

Rana Ashkar, Roger Pynn; A Neutron Scattering approach to probing matter in nano-confinements; American Conference on Neutron Scatterng, Washington, DC, June 24-28, (2012)

Rana Ashkar, Roger Pynn; Profile retrieval using SERGIS combined with dynamical scattering theory, Contributed Talk at the 2012 APS March Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts Feb 29, (2012)

X. Li, Roger Pynn, et al; Small Angle Scattering of Platonic Solids; American Chrystallography Association Meeting; Boston, July 28-Aug 1, (2012)

X. Li, et al; Spin Echo Small Angle Scattering for soft matter chracterization; American Physical Socoiety March meeting, Boston Feb 29, (2012)

Paul Stonaha, Wai-Tung (Hal) Lee, Roger Pynn; Design of next generation magnetic Wollaston prisms for Spin Echo Scattering Angle Measurement (SESAME); International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XX); Baricloche, Argentina, March 4-9, (2012)

S.R.Parnell, H.Kaiser, F.Li, T.Wang, D.V.Baxter and R.Pynn; Design and performance of a ‘turn key’ cryo-flipper using a YBCO film; International Conference on Polarized Neutron in Condensed Matter Research; Paris, France, July 2-5, (2012)

S.R. Parnell, H. Kaiser, F. Li, T. D. V. Baxter, R. Pynn; Design of a compact cryo-flipper using a YBCO film; International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XX); Baricloche, Argentina, March 4-9, (2012)

F. Li, T. Wang, P. Stonaha, S. R. Parnell,H. Kaiser D. V. Baxter and R. Pynn; Superconducting YBCO Wollaston Prism for Spin Ech Scattering Angle Measurement; International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XX); Baricloche, Argentina, March 4-9,(2012)


Roger Pynn, Rana Ashkar, P.Stonaha, A.L.Washington; Some recent results using spin echo resolved grazing incidence scattering (SERGIS) ; presented at Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigation (PNCMI), Delft, (2010); Physica B 406, 2350 (2011), Website Link (2011)

Rana Ashkar, W. L. Schaich, V. O deHaan, A. A. VanWell, R. Dalgliesh, J. Plomp, and Roger Pynn; Dynamical Theory: Application to Spin-Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Scattering from Periodic Structures; presented at the Int. Conf. on Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS11); J. Appl. Phys. 110,102201 (2011)

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A. L. Washington, P. Stonaha, R. Ashkar, R. Pynn, V. R. Shah;Development of a beam line for spin echo scattering angle measurement at the Low Energy Neutron Source; Proceedings of ICANS XIX (Grindelwald, Switzerland) ISSN-Nr. 1019-6447 (2010)

Rana Ashkar, P. Stonaha, A. L. Washington, V. R. Shah, M. R. Fitzsimmons, B. Maranville, C. F. Majkrzak, and Roger Pynn; Spin Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Scattering (SERGIS) at Pulsed and CW Neutron Sources; presented at the International Conference on Neutron Scattering; J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 251, 012066 (2010); doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/251/1/012066 (2010)

2008 - 2009

Igor V. Roshchin, C. P. Li, Harry Suhl, Xavier Batlle, S. Roy, S. Sinha, S. Park, R. Pynn, M. Fitzsimmons, J. Mejia-Lopez, D. Altbir, A. H. Romero, R. Dumas, Kai Liu, and Ivan K. Schuller; Magnetic Vortices in Sub-100 nm Magnets; Proc. of International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2009 - ICEAA '09, 14-18 Sept. (2009), 1028 - 1029. DOI: 10.1109/ICEAA.2009.5297777 Website Link (2009)

T. Oku, T. Shinohara, J. Suzuki, R. Pynn, H. M. Shimizu; Pulsed Neutron Beam Control using a Magnetic Multiplet Lens; Nuclear Instruments and Methods A600, 1, 100-102 (2009)

Roger Pynn, M. R. Fitzsimmons, W. T. Lee, P. Stonaha, V. R. Shah, A. L. Washington, B. J. Kirby, C. F. Majkrzak, and B. B. Maranville; Birefringent Neutron Prisms for Spin Echo Scattering Angle Measurement; presented at the International Conference on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed matter Research Mito, Japan, September, 2008; Physica B 404, 2582–2584 (2009)

2006 - 2007

M. R. Fitzsimmons, B. J. Kirby, F. Trouw, P. A. Crowell, C. Adelmann, S. D. Flexner, C. J. Palmstrom, M. Erickson, J. A. Borchers, C. F. Majkrzak, W. Chen, T. R. Gentile, and R. Pynn Suppression of nuclear polarization in photon-irradiated GaAs; APS March meeting (2007)

J. Suzuki, T. Oku, T. Shinohara, H. Shimizu, and R. Pynn; A Compound Magnetic Lens for Pulsed Neutrons; presented at the International Conference on Neutron Optics, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, April (2007)

David V. Baxter, A Bogdanov, V. P. Derenchuk, H. Kaiser, C. M. Lavelle, M. B. Leuschner, R. Pynn, N. Remmes, T. Rinckel, W. M. Snow, and P. E. Sokol; The Present Status of the Low Energy Neutron Source; presented at ICANS-XVIII, Dongguan, China, April (2007)

V. R. Shah, Roger Pynn, M. Leuschner and David V. Baxter; A Polarizing Bender for the SESAME Beam Line at LENS; presented atICANS-XVIII, Dongguan, China, April (2007)

J. Major, A. Vorobiev, R. Maier, M. Mezger, A. Ruhm, H. Dosch, G. P. Felcher, P. Falus, S. G. E. te Velthuis, and R. Pynn; Spin-Echo Resolved Grazing Incidence Neutron Scattering: a Neutron Resonance Spin-Echo Prototype Facility; presented at the 9th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (Taipei, 2006)

Roger Pynn; Using Neutron Spin Echo to probe space and time correlations in thin films; presented at PSI conference on surface inelastic scattering; Journal of Neutron Research, Vol 14, Issue 3, 221 - 227 (2006)

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2002 - 2005

Wim G. Bouwman, Roger Pynn and M.Theo Rekveldt; Comparison of SANS and SESANS; presented at the European Conference on Neutron Scattering (2003); Physica B, 350 Issue 1-3, Supplement E787 (2004)

Michael R. Fitzsimmons, Helmut Fritzsche, Marita Gierlings, Janos Major and Roger Pynn; Measuring Scattering Angles with Neutron Spin Echo; presented at the International Conference on Neutron Optics, Tokyo, Japan (2004); Nucl. Instrum. and Methods, A529, 10 (2004)

Roger Pynn; Broadband spin flippers constructed from thin magnetic films; presented at conference on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, Washington, DC., June 2004; Physica B, 356, Issues 1-4 178 (2005)

Ian S. Anderson, Jeremy Cook, Gian Felcher, Tom Gentile, Geoffrey Greene, Frank Klose, Tom Koetzle, Eddy Lelievre-Berna, Andre Parizzi, Roger Pynn, Jinkui Zhao, (Roger Pynn; Ed) Polarized Neutrons for Pulsed Neutron Sources; J. Neutron Research, 13 193 (2005)